thanks and welcome to all my new followers!
a glimpse of beauty + fashion, food, fitness, and local happenings through the eyes of a domesticated newlywed.
Friday, April 23, 2010
winner, winner, winner...
...and the winner of my first blog giveaway, $20 starbucks gift card is momma twitch (even though i spelt it wrong)! congrats! email me your info so i can mail your prize!

thanks and welcome to all my new followers!
thanks and welcome to all my new followers!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
birthday+fiesta= bad grace
looks like i fell off of the blogging world. this month has been crazy busy! had a great birthday and enjoying a great fiesta! needless to say, i have been very bad...don't think i've had a salad all month, no green smoothies and lots of meat! i would expect nothing less from the month of april (my favorite month)!
glad there's always next month! :)
i do want to live a healthier lifestyle, i just don't want to deprive myself from all the good eats! what's a girl to do?
anyway, pics from this month coming soon! and don't forget about my giveaway, it ends tomorrow!
oh, and i won 2nd place in the fiesta float contest! viva fiesta!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
starbucks giftcard giveaway

Up for grabs is a $20 starbucks gift card!
To enter(leave a comment for each one):
* Become a follower of my blog and let me know that you did or if you already are
* Add me to your blogroll
* Link back from your blog
* Tell your friends about the giveaway by mentioning me in your blog
Maximum of 4 entries!
Winner will be selected on April 24th at random! Good luck!
a is for amazing
i'm happy to report that this is day 4 of no meat, 1 raw meal & 1 quart of green smoothie a day and i have done just that! it has not even been that hard! well, yesterday was the hardest having done green for breakfast and lunch. i went to yoga class during my lunch hour so didn't start eating til about 2:00. boy, either that was the best greek salad i ever had or i was really hungry!
anyway, i started dragging about 4 o'clock or so and kid you not...1 drink of my green smoothie and i was replenished! i envisioned a dead flower coming back to life- it was amazing! it held me until about 8:30. i volunteered to take down a mock trial last night and it was fun. i'll talk more about that this weekend as i plan to practice on my stenograph machine all weekend.
anyway, since i have done so great i rewarded myself w/grilled catfish and shrimp! so glad i didn't give up seafood! :)
as for this morning...i had the best smoothie ever! watermelon & romaine, my new favorite flavor! this is a winner! can't wait til this afternoon to drink my other! :) AMAZING!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
yum, yum!
last night's dinner @ green: raw wrap. a raw romaine burrito stuffed with dried cranberries, sliced portabella, sprouts, organic spinach, raw pecan hummus, tomato, bell pepper, carrots, and broccoli.......with cooked sweet potato fries! i ordered the fries just in case i didn't like the wrap. boy, was i wrong the wrap was delicious! i've never had raw hummus before and it was great! and the cranberries were a perfect addition- i would have never thought to do that!

had another smoothie yesterday afternoon and this morning...not bad at all! i'm not sure if it was the sitting in the fridge for a day or what? whatever the deal, i'm just glad they were enjoyable! can't wait to make the next batch of smoothies...think i'll try watermelon!
had another smoothie yesterday afternoon and this morning...not bad at all! i'm not sure if it was the sitting in the fridge for a day or what? whatever the deal, i'm just glad they were enjoyable! can't wait to make the next batch of smoothies...think i'll try watermelon!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

i had my first green smoothie yesterday! i wish i could say i really, really enjoyed it, but i did not. :( it was a combination of strawberries & spinach- i love them both, but maybe not together?
today's was worse: peaches and romaine. i really had to swallow those suckers and make it mind over matter. it wasn't terrible as i gulped the whole thing down, but i'm sure they're supposed to taste better than this. anyone have any good recipes?
so, didn't get a chance to write yesterday, but this week my goal is to drink a quart of smoothies a day (i now realize this may not be as easy as i thought). the next thing i'm going to do is incorporate 1 raw meal a day. and lastly, no meat all week. don't think these tasks are too hard, but we'll see.
i tried a vegan burger last night on ezekial bread w/bleu cheese and it was not good! tasteless and wasteless! i only got through half the burger. :(
new this week: plain yogurt (w/strawberries- guess not so plain) & flax seed crackers. these crackers have become my new favorite snack. they are yummy and so addicting!
Monday, April 5, 2010
weekend at a glance
these pics can pretty much sum up my weekend! i had an absolute wonderful time spending time with family and friends! easter has and will always be my favorite holiday. it's a tradition in my family that we play volley ball and the egg toss--my cousin mikey and i always win the egg toss! although our family is getting smaller and smaller (mostly because we have gotten bigger and bigger and don't all fit under the same roof :p), we still enjoy it just the same!
as for my "diet," i can honestly say, i did not have any fast food! yay me!
...and tomorrow, i get to go in to work at noon! so i get to do all the things i was supposed to this weekend like clean, laundry and my favorite: grocery shopping!

as for my "diet," i can honestly say, i did not have any fast food! yay me!
...and tomorrow, i get to go in to work at noon! so i get to do all the things i was supposed to this weekend like clean, laundry and my favorite: grocery shopping!
Friday, April 2, 2010
life is good today

i can't remember the last time i slept in! it felt great! my morning started out w/my usual spinach, mushroom & feta omelette; only this time i wasn't rushing or multi-tasking while making it. i usually find myself washing a load of laundry, fixing my hair or ironing while fixing breakfast. it's amazing i haven't managed to burn anything.
i'm really enjoying my day off and don't know what i'll do next. i'm thinking of organizing my closet and maybe getting rid of some clothes...yeah, maybe i'll buy some new ones! :)
maybe i'll play w/my dogs for a bit. going to school really leaves no time for my pups :(
i also feel like riding my bike- haven't done that since...a year ago when we bought them!
ah, today is full of possibilities and i'm sure whatever i do decide to do, it's going to be a great day!
confessions of a foodaholic

STRIKE 1: i couldn't resist fast food today. i was starving and i knew i hadn't gone grocery shopping and picking up long john silvers was just so easy! i just wish eating it was. i felt so guilty! and afterwards was the worst...acid reflux galore! the burning in my chest, the acid taste, the belching- ugh, so not worth it! it will be another while until i visit a fast food restaurant again- i guarantee it!
whenever i get the urge, i will remember this feeling! it was actually a good thing that i tried this. i will call this "food experimental project #1: fail."
Thursday, April 1, 2010
three things thursday!
"three things thursday" ha! i'm really starting to feel like an official blogger w/my new lingo! now, if only i could get some followers! :)
1. last night dinner at stonewerks: grand vegetarian burger. vegetable patty topped with black bean puree, monterey jack and american cheese, bean sprouts, avocado, red onion, lettuce and mayo....and fries! i'm new to this whole "eating healthy-pescetarian-testing" thing and really assumed i didn't have to ask for the garden salad and that it would just be given to me. wrong, not complaining about the fries though-they were really good. almost as good as the burger, i honestly could not taste the difference between meat and faux meat. not sure if that's a good or bad thing? either way, it was nice to able to enjoy a vegetarian meal at a restaurant-one of my fears is that not all restaurants would have something i'd like. (sorry no pics, didn't know if it was appropriate to bring out the camera at the dinner table)
2. the wine (mark west, pinot noir 2008), we had last night was absolutely enticing! i had it the last time we were there and fell in love with it. i couldn't find anyone who sold it locally though and all the online sites cost double the amount of the wine (the wine is very inexpensive, about $10); on second thought, it may be worth purchasing as the bottle last night was about $30. it was so smooth and silky with just the perfect amount of pomegranate,plums,cherry/strawberry-accented fruit w/a combination of a vanilla deep rich taste. yum. w/all the fruit in there, it must be healthy, huh? :) i'll just tell myself that to make me feel better. wonder if many vegetarians/raw foodist drink alcohol?
3. the visit to my nutritionist went well. he can see an improvement...and well, i'm still waiting for the weight loss! i told him about my idea of becoming vegetarian/raw foodist and he said no to becoming vegetarian and yes to going raw. he said some of the most unhealthiest people are vegetarians and he did not want me doing that. he actually encouraged me to go raw, he is a raw foodie himself. i just can't imagine going 100% raw so fast. and i thought being vegetarian would help ease my way to going raw?? i'm still so confused. i have a lot to read up on. ordered some books & cookbooks, i'm getting a dehydrator this weekend and soon i will be eating a lot healthier...regardless of the label i put on myself! i'm trying pesceterian (please don't be completely confused when i keep saying vegetarian) with the intentions of going raw and if nothing else, i'm just hoping to eat better! they say you are what you eat and hoping to be someone a lot better!
1. last night dinner at stonewerks: grand vegetarian burger. vegetable patty topped with black bean puree, monterey jack and american cheese, bean sprouts, avocado, red onion, lettuce and mayo....and fries! i'm new to this whole "eating healthy-pescetarian-testing" thing and really assumed i didn't have to ask for the garden salad and that it would just be given to me. wrong, not complaining about the fries though-they were really good. almost as good as the burger, i honestly could not taste the difference between meat and faux meat. not sure if that's a good or bad thing? either way, it was nice to able to enjoy a vegetarian meal at a restaurant-one of my fears is that not all restaurants would have something i'd like. (sorry no pics, didn't know if it was appropriate to bring out the camera at the dinner table)
2. the wine (mark west, pinot noir 2008), we had last night was absolutely enticing! i had it the last time we were there and fell in love with it. i couldn't find anyone who sold it locally though and all the online sites cost double the amount of the wine (the wine is very inexpensive, about $10); on second thought, it may be worth purchasing as the bottle last night was about $30. it was so smooth and silky with just the perfect amount of pomegranate,plums,cherry/strawberry-accented fruit w/a combination of a vanilla deep rich taste. yum. w/all the fruit in there, it must be healthy, huh? :) i'll just tell myself that to make me feel better. wonder if many vegetarians/raw foodist drink alcohol?
3. the visit to my nutritionist went well. he can see an improvement...and well, i'm still waiting for the weight loss! i told him about my idea of becoming vegetarian/raw foodist and he said no to becoming vegetarian and yes to going raw. he said some of the most unhealthiest people are vegetarians and he did not want me doing that. he actually encouraged me to go raw, he is a raw foodie himself. i just can't imagine going 100% raw so fast. and i thought being vegetarian would help ease my way to going raw?? i'm still so confused. i have a lot to read up on. ordered some books & cookbooks, i'm getting a dehydrator this weekend and soon i will be eating a lot healthier...regardless of the label i put on myself! i'm trying pesceterian (please don't be completely confused when i keep saying vegetarian) with the intentions of going raw and if nothing else, i'm just hoping to eat better! they say you are what you eat and hoping to be someone a lot better!