a glimpse of beauty + fashion, food, fitness, and local happenings through the eyes of a domesticated newlywed.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
another AWESOME giveaway!
The Tinkerbell Package
Check out my Virtual Team in Training teammate's virtual raffle and support her in her fundraising efforts for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:
Sunday, July 31, 2011
100 Hour Fundraising Challenge Winner
1st place Melissa Buentello $878.44
2nd place Laurile Higgins $855
3rd place Stacie Sanderson $475
4th place Joshua Hodgkins $455
5th place Celeste Lushkins $380
6th place Victor Chevalier $285
7th place Heather Miller $175
8th place Debi Cone $144
9th place Beth Loftis $120
10th place Allyson Maldonado $111.50
11th place Tracy Higgins $25
12th place Courtney Franson $10
Melissa will be receiving a check for $100 made payable to LLS.
These are amazing totals and we certainly could not have done this without the help of our AMAZING friends! Thank you all so much for contributing to this successful event! We hope you will join us next time! :)
And, in case any one is wondering, I was able to raise $559! If you were unable to make a donation, don't worry- I am still accepting! Make an online donation here: http://pages.teamintraining.org/sctx/nikesf11/gmontalvo13I truly hope you will donate today, either in honor of someone fighting cancer, in memory of someone who has been lost to cancer, or in appreciation of yourself or others you love not affected by cancer. Until there is a cure, there is no guarantee that our lives will go untouched by cancer.
For the Cure,
Grace Montalvo
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
valentine day swap
so, i have joined Melissa's Valentine Swap and these are the questions i have been asked to answer:
1. Handmade gifts? Love or hate?
i love handmade gifts! gifts given from the heart that have lots of thought put into them are the best!
2. Gift cards? Love or tacky?
3. What type of theater do you frequent (like Cinemark, etc)?
regal cinema.
4. Coffee? addict, like, can't stand? Starbucks, home, other?
love, love coffee! starbucks is great as any other...
5. Do you read? Books you've been wanting to read? Type of books you like?
love books! wish i had more time to read them. love self-help, audio is best! :) ebay & amazon are my friends for great deals!
6. 3 Favorite running accessories:
bondi bands, drifit socks are always nice, anything sparkly :)
7. Kids? Ages?
no kids
8. Pets?
2 dogs, german shepherd named justice (right) and rescue dog named rusty (left)
9. 3 things you can't leave home without:
blackberry, laptop & purse
10. 3 Favorite magazines. Current subscription?
runner's world, women's health, people...currently subscribed to all
11. When you are in a running slump, what motivates you?
12. Complete the sentence, "My favorite thing about running/exercise is __________"
not feeling guilty for the good eats!
13. Shoe size/t shirt size?
shoe size 7, shirt S or M
14. 3 Favorite Valentine's candies?
anything chocolate
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
winner, winner, winner
this could not have been possible without your support! and now, drum roll please.....
TMB Endurance Band (green)- Allyson Maldonado
(black/pink)- Katye of Long Legs on the Loose
Bondi Band (pink 'put your big girl panties...')- Rose of Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri
(black & purple TNT)- Katye of Long Legs on the Loose (yes, again!)
(blue flowered pattern)- Katye of Long Legs on the Loose (i swear i shook them real well)
TNT Necklace- Katye of Long Legs on the Loose (she is one lucky girl!)
Race Bib Book- Kelley Callanen
Allied Medal Display (1)- Allyson Maldonado
(2) Julie Arts of Adventure is out There
$100 Flemings Gift Card- Anna Rando
i wish i had prizes for you all as i am so grateful for your donations! congratulations to the lucky winners! please send me the address you would like me to send your prizes to. i will be emailing you shortly as well.
thanks again for joining the fight against blood cancers!
Monday, January 31, 2011
race recap

i did it! i finished my first half marathon of the year and PR'ed!! finished in 2:32:11. it really was my best race ever! the majority of my races are done with TNT as a part of the leadership team which usually requires helping the participants do their best. while i try to do my best, i usually find myself just enjoying the race and the company-- not really pushing through. but this race, i gave my all! i ran when i wanted to walk and i sprinted when i thought i couldn't run anymore--it was awesome!
race was in houston; went with my boyfriend, 2 of my TNT teammates who ran & our cheer squad (TNT alumni). i wish i had pictures to share, but the boyfriend stayed w/my camera :( will post soon!
race began at 7am, my friend scott and i started together as we were running the half and our other friend vincent ran the full (with an awesome time of 4:20). the course was congested the first 3 miles so we ran a pretty comfortable pace-- i was able to do these without intervals. after that my buddy was going a little too fast for me to hang on so i told him he was free to leave me. :)
behind him was the 5 hour pacer for the full marathon, so that meant 2:30 for the half which conveniently was my goal! i held on as long as i could, ran to catch up, passed her a few times, then lost her completely. the miles seemed to just peel away as the spectators and the course were awesome!
i met my boyfriend and cheer squad at mile 8.5, i didn't know exactly where they were but knew they would be around there so i did not stop to do intervals again- i knew they'd be watching! they were awesome and just the motivation i needed to run the rest! i felt myself running a little faster and saw buddy scott in the distance, i caught up to him but still could not hang on.
i met him again around mile 10 or so, he was now hurt with a pulled hamstring so was running slower. we kept going back and forth for the rest of the miles and with one mile to go we were at 2:20, i told him my goal is 2:30 i'm not sure i can do it but i'm sure as hell going to try! this would mean running a 10 minute mile, i would have to solely rely on prayer to do this! :)
i ran as hard as i could, then had to walk a bit, then ran hard again, then walked again all the while scott was behind me keeping me in the distance running hard when i walked and trying to catch up to me then said i was going too fast so i was pretty confident i was going to beat him running a comfortable speed the last half mile. that was my new goal since i wasn't sure if i was going to make it at 2:30. well, that sucker snuck up on me out of nowhere and flew by me. i was not having it, i sprint the fastest i had ever run in my life! he came in prob just a half second before me, i really hope they got that on video of photo because that was truly a moment i would like to see! for the first time at a race i was not concerned with my photo finish, all i wanted to do was meet my goals! half a second short of one goal and 2 minutes short of another, i still call that pretty darn good! :)
oh, did i mention it rained the entire time too? real bummer but it was still awesome!
I hope you will donate today either in honor of someone fighting cancer, in memory of someone who has been lost to cancer, or in appreciation of yourself or others you love not affected by cancer. Until there is cure, there is no guarantee that our lives will go untouched by cancer.
THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DONATED THUS FAR! COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOUR HELP! **also, there is a change in the time, the drawing will end 8pm central time instead of midnight***
Friday, January 28, 2011
time is running out!
2 TMB Endurance Bands courtesy of TMB.
3 Bondi Band Headbands courtesy of Bondi Band .
TNT Earth Angel Necklace
courtesy of Lift your Sole .
Race Bib Book courtesy of Laura Elaine Designs .
(2)Your choice of any Allied Medal Displays courtesy of Allied Medal Displays.
A $100 Gift Card to Flemings They are Nationwide, check out the locations here. .
thanks to those who have already donated! hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
i will be running my first half marathon of the year! see ya real soon!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
time flies when you're having fun
don't forget just a few days left to enter MY DRAWING! fabulous items have been donated to include 2 allied medal displays, a race bib book, TNT necklace, $100 gift certificate to flemings, bondi bands & endurance bands! enter today!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
spit happens

the bug is gone and i am finally feeling better! thanks again so much for the well wishes! i'm not 100% but i can run! got my first run in 7 days yesterday...it felt great! yesterday i was able to call myself a "real runner."
you're not a "real runner" until you......spit while you're running! ha! i've always thought it was pretty gross when people do that but noticed many runners do that, it must be a "fast" runner thing because i was going pretty fast! :)
i'm a little ashamed to admit it...but mostly proud! i've always been very lady-like and it was very out of character, but you gotta do what you gotta do! :)
when did you realize you were a "real runner"??
also, don't forget, today is the last week to enter my awesome drawing benefitting the leukemia & lymphoma society! ENTER HERE
Friday, January 21, 2011
while i am feeling better today i am not 100%. i decided to call in and get some more rest. i need that energy to go to the spurs game tonight! :)
i won box seats to the spurs game awhile back and i invited my mom, she is super excited and i can't let her down. i also need my energy for my run tomorrow, yup, i'm going to try it! 6 miles isn't much and lord knows i need the practice! wish me luck!
and one last plug in before i'm off for the weekend, ENTER HERE for some awesome prizes benefiting the leukemia & lymphoma society! thanks to all who have already donated, it is MUCH appreciated!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
wanna win an allied running medal hanger??

do you need somewhere to hang your precious medals?
be sure to enter my drawing where i am raffling off 2 hangers! thank you so much to allied for donating these gorgeous items!
in other news, i have not worked out in 5 days! yes, this is day 5 of not working out for me! :( i am still very sick and what hurts the most is not being able to run or cross train! i have a half marathon in 11 days, this bug really needs to fly away! i hate to be so negative but i can't think of one positive thing about being sick...oh wait, i have no appetite and may lose a pound or two? that's always a plus, right? well, if you can think of any thing else, please let me know because it's no fun being in my position and i really need to be cheered up!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
here we go!
remember it's not too late to enter! :) ENTER HERE
also, i won shut up and run's giveaway!
she asked the following questions:
What is your health-related New Year’s resolution this year?
How do you plan to stick to your resolution this year?
What are the best tips you’ve heard to start off right this year, maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle?
and my answers were:
♥ my resolution this year was not lose X amount of weight. it was to loose weight and be healthy by working out daily and eating right. this year i have been cooking most of my breakfast, lunch and dinners!
♥ to keep track i am keeping a calendar with my goals for the month and highlighting them once they've been accomplished. i will also be running at least one race each month for the rest of the year. i have list and am going to cross them off as completed!
♥ to start of the year, i joined John Bingham's 100 day challenge. Its 100 days of at least 30 minutes of movement. After i reach 100 days, I am going to do 100 more and then 156 more to complete a whole year! 356 days sounds like so much, but by breaking it up--it sounds so easy!
so, let me brief you in on the last couple of days! i have lost 3 lbs since the beginning of the year (7 if you want to count holiday weight). i have been cooking most of my meals with the exception of the weekends...i've got to find a way around that!
calendar is still up and running but had to count myself out of john bingham's challenge. after 13 days of working out/training it was becoming a little much. very disappointing at first, but i'm still proud of what i accomplished. on the 14th i had every intention on going to zumba, but a friend invited me to the spurs game. hmmm, workout or spurs game?? that was an easy one for me, i rewarded myself for doing so good by going to the spurs game!
saturday, i hopped back on the train and did 9.5 miles! in 2 hours flat!
sunday, my honey & i went to church (another resolution of mine) & watched football all day. then toward the end of the night felt like i was coming down w/something, so needless to say, no working out then or on monday because i was extremely ill and did not get out of bed all day! that is not how i intended to spend my day off! :(
tuesday, it was back to the grind here at work. although i wasn't 100% i still came & skipped another workout. :(
i did however start school yesterday! very excited about that! i took a year off of court reporting school and i felt it was time to go back and get it done.
i will be carrying a heavy load this semester with school, prepping for a church retreat and training/fundraising for a half marathon but i am ready to take on this challenge!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
A drawing benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Here's how it works, make a donation to my TNT website HERE.
3 Entries for $5.00
5 Entries for $10.00
(this is mandatory to be elgible for the following extra entries)
1. Become a follower of my blog or already be one. Leave a comment.
2. Put a link to this giveaway on your blog and/or facebook page. Leave a comment.
3. Have a blog post specifically mentioning this giveaway. Leave a comment.
2 TMB Endurance Bands courtesy of TMB.
3 Bondi Band Headbands courtesy of Bondi Band .
TNT Earth Angel Necklace
courtesy of Lift your Sole .
Race Bib Book courtesy of Laura Elaine Designs .
(2)Your choice of any Allied Medal Displays courtesy of Allied Medal Displays.
A $100 Gift Card to Flemings They are Nationwide, check out the locations here. .
Drawing will close on January 31st at 8:00pm (central time) and winners will be announced February 1. Prizes will be drawn in order. Help me spread the word, and raise tons of money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!!!
Thank you so much to our wonderful sponsors for donating these fabulous prizes! Also, many thanks to Rose and Ronda for entering the sneak preview, each get 1 additional entry!
(we'll return to our regular scheduled blog tomorrow) :)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
feeling a little crummy...and not the cake kind :)

left work early today because i wasn't feeling well. turns out i just needed rest...rest, what a concept! i was just thankful that i had a morning workout because you could not pay me to do anything! rest is just what i needed, felt so good to be curled up snuggled in between blankets! i truly love this weather!
day 13 of 100: 1 hour of zumba & 45 minutes of spin! well, it's no wonder i was tired...woke up at 4am to make a 5:30 class!
don't forget to check out my giveaway HERE
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
crumbs don't have calories
so let me just start off by saying, i've been a very bad girl! my coworker decided to bake cookies and brought them in on monday. i resisted the first day, but by day two, i had three --maybe four. then today, i finished them off in addition to cake! lots of cake! had it for breakfast, after lunch and some after that! ...after eating a yummy lunch at paesanos! but, it was the judge's birthday and i just had to have it! isn't it darling? i know, still bad, bad, bad! luckily, my coworker assured me that "crumbs don't have calories." yes, she did catch me eating crumbs of the delicious cake! ugh! i sure hope i don't gain too many pounds for that! that is definitely the last time i do that!
day 12 of 100: awesome 4 mile run on the riverwalk! it was 31 degrees out and it was perfect running weather for me! absolutely loved it! most people in the SOUTH would say i'm crazy, but i would take cold of hot and sunny ANY day!
don't forget to check out my giveaway HERE
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
that workout totally counts!
speaking of thank yous, i have yet to finish the book '365 thank yous.' the book i am basing this idea off of.:( i stayed late again at work and did not pack my gym clothes. i decided i would eat, workout (i intended to do my dallas cowboy cheerleader bootcamp video since i would not be going to the gym), wash 5 loads of laundry since i am way overdo and relax & read! the only thing i did was eat and slept! :( i was so angry when i woke up at midnight and realized that i had ruined my 100 day challenge. i thought, if only it were 11:30 i would totally get up and workout! then i thought, NO! this can't be right, i've worked so hard these last 10 days and i will not accept this. today i made a delivery to 2 different buildings and it took me exactly 30 minutes! the rules say 'at least 30 minutes of movement' and that my friends, was 30 minutes of movement! please help me justify this! and an added bonus is, my pedometer read 18,605 steps! that totally counts! right? right!
day 11 of 100: 30 minute walk!
Monday, January 10, 2011
i met a dixie chick!
dixie chicks are my absolute favorite and i was thrilled to be meeting her!
she was on our jury panel and sadly not selected to be a part of our jury...i'm just glad i got a picture with her! she was so down to earth and humble; very sweet! one chick down, two more to go! :)
day 10 of 100: 30 minutes on crossramp. i stayed late after work because of this jury trial and i was extremly exhausted. it was 31 degrees out and i did not want to go to the gym! my great friend kelley gave me motivation and thankfully i made it to the gym!
needless to say, kelley gets thank you letter no. 10!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
day 7 of 100: 3 mile run
day 8 of 100: 8 mile run! yeah go me!
day 9 of 100: 30 minute swim
day 10 of 100: 30 minute crossramp
thank you letter no. 7 & 8: i recieved the spurs tickets and flemings giftcard that i previously won, so obviously, the thank you letters went out to them!
thank you letter no. 9: i wrote it to one of my very good friends, kelley! yesterday was 30 degrees out, i stayed late after work and was very tired and did not want to go to they gym, she was a great motivator! and she's always a great friend!
yes! you are the lucky few who will get first dibs on these awesome giveaways/raffle. as most of you know, i am entering my 7th season with Team in Training. We train to run marathons while raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This season I am raising money to run the Zooma Austin Half Marathon on April 16th (my birthday weekend)and my goal is to raise $2000!
here's how it works, make a donation to my TNT website HERE. since this is a sneak preview, YOU chose the amount you donate! a set requirement will be made once all the prizes are announced next monday. after making a donation, leave a comment here and you are in!(this is mandatory to be elgible for the following extra entries)
1. Become a follower of my blog or already be one. Leave a comment.
2. Put a link to this giveaway on your blog. Leave a comment.
3. Have a blog post specifically mentioning/advertising this giveaway. Leave a comment.
3 Bondi Band Headbands courtesy of Bondi Band .
Race Bib Book (similar to the ones pictured)
courtesy of Laura Elaine Designs .
TNT Earth Angel Necklace
(circle charm stamped with the words "TNT Earth Angel," a wing charm, and a purple crystal (similar to the ones pictured)
courtesy of Lift your Sole .
A $100 Gift Card to Flemings They are Nationwide, check out the locations here. .
You have until January 30th(midnight central time) to donate/enter and I'll announce the winners and their prizes on the 31st. Prizes will be drawn in order. I hope you'll enter, help me spread the word, and help me raise tons of money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!!! :)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
just for the bling of it

hey! who stopped following me? i went down to 49...oh well, it gives me time to think of an awesome giveaway! :)
so, just joined this awesome challenge run for the bling of it.
i heard about people doing this last year and thought it would be cool to try in 2011, when i found out about this challenge i just couldn't pass it!my first race will be january 30th, the aramco houston half marathon! it came to my attention that i only have 3 weeks left to train! yikes! good thing i started bingham's 100 day challenge :) they gave a sneak peak of the medal today, featured above :) do you love it? i do!
thank you letter no.6: i wrote this letter to a person i recently met last year running a race who was a part of another TNT running group, stacey. she constantly posts positive messages on facebook bright and early in the morning. she REALLY makes my day. some people post negative stuff and its such a breath of fresh air getting her take on the morning, puts me in a good mood. one morning i found myself asking, 'how would stacey turn this negative situation into a positive one? :)
day 6 of 100: went running w/some favorite girlfriends, 3.9 miles. funny how i have a half marathon in just 3 weeks and that is the highest mileage i have reached! i don't have a time for you because
it was a fun run w/the gals! afterwards we worked on our running capes! yes, we are going to do our monthly pub run tomorrow and our theme is super heroes! stayed tuned, tomorrow i will post pics of the fab event!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
my first DNF

50 followers? yay! welcome to my blog, as i promised i will be hosting a giveaway since we reached 50! any ideas, anything you would like to see given away?
thank you letter no.5: "dear cafeteria, thank you for going up in prices by nearly 40% and having a $5.00 minimum to use my debit card resulting in making myself breakfast on a daily basis." i don't think this is what kralik had in mind, but i truly am grateful. my spinach & feta omelet rocked! now, i didn't send the letter for fear that it might offend someone, but i did post on facebook so that makes it legit :)
day 5 of 100: 5k (DNF), yes i really did just give myself a DNF (did not finish)-my first ever! i attempted a 5k, but really did not feel the run. maybe it was the different route, maybe it was the tourist that were on the different route, maybe it was knowing i had to be at a meeting right after......maybe i was just too damn tired! whatever the case may be it just was not a good run and i use the term 'run' loosely. i ended up walking a whole lot! i may not have completed my race, but i did meet the requirements of bingham's 100 day challenge of 30 minutes of movement! :) so i am not a complete failure :)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
just another day in paradise!

what a great day! my morning would have most likely put someone in a bad mood, but not me! it started w/a GREAT zumba workout! we have a new instructor and she was really upbeat and made an effort to get my name. "muy bien, grace" she kept on saying! maybe it was the praise that she gave me, i don't know but i enjoyed it very much! :) next was a spin class, if you've read my posts you know that i HATE spin, but there are so many positive benefits from it and one of my resolutions this year was to try new things. i have to say i LOVED it! this instructor helped me w/the bike and checked on me during and after class. i've always been intimidated by this class, but not today...i really did love it! i can't wait to go back on thursday!
needless to say, thank you letter no.4 went to the manager of spectrum thanking the employee for treating me so kind and also thanking her for changing the mood at spectrum. this is her first year there and she has undoubtedly made a difference!
day 4 of 100: 1 hour zumba & 45 minute spin....oh yes, and the bad thing that happened to me this morning. i forgot my clothes in my truck which is parked 1.1 miles away, i know this because i used my garmin as i ran there in...THE POURING RAIN! ah, what luck! i got my clothes, rode the bus back to the gym and got ready there. thought i was going to be late for work, but clocked in just in time! phew! :)
and the best part of the day was me getting a call from spectrum, my gym, telling me i won a $500 gift card to flemings and 2 box seats to see the san antonio spurs! how sweet is that?! i won for posting the above picture on facebook and getting the most 'likes' from my friends. i really do have the best friends! :)
Monday, January 3, 2011
and just like that...

another one to add to the 2011 list is to cook more! last night i made chicken fettuccini w/homemade alfredo sauce! i know for most of you it isn't a big deal, but mine is usually purchased out of a jar! anyway, for those of you who are interested, here is the recipe:
alfredo sauce:
♥ 1 pint heavy whipping cream
♥ 1 stick of of butter
♥ 1 can of parmesan cheese
mix all in a sauce pan on medium heat. garlic salt optional.
...and just like that you have your own alfredo sauce ready for eatin'!
thank you letter no.3: this person shall remain nameless for something she did anonymously. this person is such an amazing person and has done so much for me. this letter was much fun to write...hope i don't get in too much trouble for emailing it :)
day 3 of 100: 5k (37:22) well, i improved by 4 minutes--not too shabby
Sunday, January 2, 2011
i will learn it if it kills me
thank you letter no. 2: my second letter was made out to my boyfriend. we had a difficult time towards the end of the year and he didn't give up on me or us. i have been very blessed with the most wonderful man a girl could ask for. he is always there for me when i need him, helps me see the bigger picture and would do anything on god's green earth for me. i am so grateful that we have found each other, kept each other & keep falling more and more in love w/each other! we had a wonderful weekend in houston together and hope to try new things this year! it's going to be a great one!
day 2 of 100: 4 mile bike ride
boy was that tough! i have not rode my bike in almost a year! i've cycled on a stationary bike and took a couple of spin classes...but this is definitely something i do not enjoy! but def new in 2011 so, hopefully by the end of the year i will learn to love it!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
happy new year!

what a year 2010 has been! it got so busy i did not have time to blog anymore...but i am back and want to try a few new things this year! i ordered a book by john kralik, "365 thank yous." it is an inspiring story about a man who was almost down to nothing and his life was completely changed by simply writing a thank you letter every day for the year of 2008. by the time he was finished he had lost weight, run a marathon, raised money for charities, turned his law firm around, reconnected with old friends and relatives, gotten back together with his girlfriend, and realized his dream of becoming a writer with his first book, 365 THANK YOUS.i haven't read the book yet, but am already inspired to write my first and i'll be sharing you parts of these letters.
thank you letter no. 1: my first letter was written to sarah brannon. she is the one who introduced me to the book so it was only appropriate that i write this letter to her. i met her through team in training (my running group who raises money for the leukemia & lymphoma society); she is an honored hero & cancer survivor! she has been an inspiration to me and it gave me great pleasure to write my first letter to her!
another daily feature will by posts from my 100 day challenge. john bingham is challenging anyone who is up for it to commit to "moving intentionally" for a minimum of 30 minutes per day for 100 days.
day 1 of 100: ran 5k (41:00)
one of my goals this year is to become faster, so the next few weeks i will be running plenty of 5ks in addition to my regular training as i will be running the houston half marathon january 30th!
lastly, i've compiled a list of all the things i want to do new in 2011:
♥ learn to drive a stick shift (my bf's sister started teaching me today)
♥ give more
♥ be punctual
♥ a triathlon (sprint or olympic)
♥ try new things
♥ okay, so my list is small but only because i can't think of all the things
i wanted to do. but i will update this list soon :) most people also give up things and its hard for them to stick w/it. this year, i've decided to give up things 1 month at a time. this month i am giving up sodas. next month i will give up...something & sodas. so, hopefully by the end of the year, i will have given up 12 bad habits. wish me luck!